After approximately three weeks from blogging, all I can say is phew!! But due to limited Internet time, this post will be as short as time will allow. It's certainly been a whirlwind of a time since I last blog, I'm bursting with news. But most exciting of all, I think everyone will agree, is the scholarship interview last Saturday.
Waking up in the morning with your stomach full of butterflies, and having your legs turn like jelly throughout the whole day isn't exactly any one's idea of fun. But I think the whole experience was very enriching, to say the least!
A few months ago, I applied for the School Achiever Scholarship Award (
SASA) offered by HELP! university. Honestly, I never dreamed that I would be called in for the interview, but I was. Of course, when I received the e-mail saying that my application has progressed, I was apprehensive, and a bit reluctant. Why? Cause it would be my first ever interview!
That morning, I think was worst than
PMR results day. I had to endure an hour and a half of chem tuition. Through which I never even paid the slightest attention! My mind was a million miles away. All the way to HELP! I was fiddling with my hair, my nails, anything and everything that I could fiddle with. I walked in with literally jelly legs at about 12.15. I was so worried that I'd be one of the later few to register, but it turns out I was the earliest! The hall was empty save a few students with their (
kiasu?) parents!
After registering, my friends (Karina,
Rui Zhi, Kai Ru, and Mei Ling) and I sat down to talk to one the ex-recipients of the scholarship. All the grey-shirted people were very nice and generous with various advice.
When the time came for the interviews, I discovered I was to be the first (among others) to be interview (
OHNO!!!) But, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would since I like to get whatever done and over with as soon as possible. They brought us (three in a group, I was with Jason (Sultan Abdul
Samad) and an Indian guy whose name I didn't quite catch), to a room.
I pushed the glass door leading to the room, only to realise I was suppose to push! (so
pai seh!!!) Entering the room, I saw three people, a woman and two men, whom, despite their smiling faces, were still scary to me!
Sadly to say I don't quite remember every single question he asked me, but here are just a few questions and comments from him(the head interviewer and self confessed bad guy).
1. So, you want to be a teacher? To which I answered yes, although I'm not really sure exactly what my future profession would be. But this is one my options, so I answered yes
2. You sound very disgruntled at your teachers. (Yes I am)
3. For example? (My school condones open burning which I do not)
4. I'm asking about the teachers. (Well, the teachers in my school aren't teaching their major subjects, and that screws us up a little)
5. For example? (Well, my form 4 chem teacher never ever taught. All he did was instruct us to copy the practicals. We never opened the text books once.)
Hmm, you know the only way to change our education system is to become a politician. (o.O). One person is very hard to change the world...(Okay...that I know)
7. So how much do you know about HELP!? (
Hmm...not much. But I know
HElP's psychology department is probably one of the best)
8. What about our achievements? (
OMGAWD!! You don't know what you're getting yourself into man!! (GULP!!)
10. So how much do you know about A-levels? (Not much, only that it is tough)
11. That's not a lot...(Hmm...yes...but I'm not applying for A-levels)
12. Oh? So what are you applying for? (
13....Oh okay...So how mush do you know about ADP? ( I know that after studying a certain amount of time here, I transfer to an American uni and
finsh my course there, and get my cert from there)
14. So, you're an
ICT prefect. What do you do? (mostly clean up...ect.)
15. And you were the chairperson for public speaking and debate competition? (yes)
16. So you have public speaking experience...(yeah..I guess)
17. Wow, you're an idealist. Welcome, to the real world man! (Hm....okay....*speechless*)
18. Your essay (we had to submit an essay about our aspirations) was very strong, very vicious! (Okay....way weird, is that a good thing???o.O)
After which I don't remember what happened. I just
remeber walking out, sweating bullets, and taking very very very deep breathes. PHEW!!!
WOW!! After the interview, I was so high on adrenaline!! But yeah...after the high, it hit me...It wasn't so bad after all. Thinking about it, it's one way or the other, they either loved me and hated me. But I thank thank thank all the people who've supported me, namely my friends who were with me, my parents, Agnes ( i love you babe), and OBED
dg for your prayers. Last but not least, to which I owe my very
existance, Father God, I thank You so much for Your guidance through I could not have lived without.
Now, there's an update for my very very bored spiders, who've so kindly endowed my boring blog with their cobwebs while waiting for my update, heaven knows what I'm talking about. Due to severe lack of sleep, I've used update and spiders in the same sentence twice each. It's a crime!!
And now, dear spiders, I'm going to bed. *sigh* And shall see you all soon.
ps. no spiders were harmed in the writing of this post but I expect several readers will faint at my childish and less than savoury answers.